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The G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (YEA) is a global network of young entrepreneurs and the organisations that support them. The YEA comes together each year in advance of the G20 Leaders’ Summit to champion the importance of entrepreneurship to G20 member nations and to connect, grow, and empower the world’s young entrepreneurs.

The Future is Global

Celebrating 15 years of Impact for Young Entrepreneurs within the G20.

Our next annual gathering of Innovaters, Impactshakers and Changemakers will be in Johannesburg, South Africa from 18-22nd September 2025.

If you would like to participate as a delegate please register your interest with your respective national association within he G20YEA. 

Together We Thrive

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We empower young entrepreneurs from across the G20 to achieve more global success. We believe young entrepreneurs are truly a catalyst for global change.

Our Motivation 

We Are All Connected

The G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance is a global network of those who are building the economy of tomorrow, today.  By connecting them with each other and with governments, corporations and other global bodies, we are laying the groundwork for the inclusive growth that will power the future.

What Do We Do?

We empower young entrepreneurs from across the G20 to achieve more global success.

The G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (YEA) is a global network consisting of 500,000 young Entrepreneurs and the Organisations that support them.

Why the G20 YEA Exists?

  • We champion the success of young entrepreneurs across the g20 ecosystem.

  • We foster partnerships and trade to help young entrepreneurs connect and grow their businesses.

  • We empower young entrepreneurs to confidently export across geographies through our extensive G20 SME ecosystem.

  • We liaise with policymakers at central  government to create business conditions so Young Entrepreneurs can thrive.

  • We set the political agenda in relation to SMEs and Young Entrepreneurs with our Communique and subsequent meetings.

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What Do We Do?

What Do We Do?

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We are a membership organisation consisting of national associations from the g20 countries and our Guest countries and the Young Entrepreneurs within these organisations.

How Are We Structured?

Our primary focus is Young Entrepreneurs however we also work with Policymakers, National Ass​ociations, International Partners, Corporate Sponsors to facilitate growth at micro and macro level.

Who Do We Connect With?


Our Values

You achieve more together than you do in isolation, the members of the G20 Young Entrepreneur Alliance aim to:

  • Empower

  • Share

  • Connect

  • Grow

  • Achieve more for the greater good

Entrepreneur  Spotlight

Celine Saint Olive: Noraker

As the expert manufacturer of Bioactive Glass, we believe that every single patient in the world should profit from best-in-class medical technologies in the area of bone regeneration tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. From scientific discovery and clinical trials to product manufacturing, we perform our research and innovation work with passion, producing in the end truly innovative technologies that make a real difference in the field of human health.


International Womens Day

On behalf of G20YEA we would like to celebrate and highlight female entrepreneurs globally and within the G20. International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. Read our G20 YEA 2024 Communique

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G20 YEA Events Calender

The G20 YEA hosts events throughout the year in different geographies connecting Young Entrepreneurs across the  G20 and facilitating growth through partnership and combined interests..

Business relationships and expansion are best fostered person to person.

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Over 400 entrepreneurs from over 20+ countries attended the G20YEA 2024 summit in Goiania Brazil. It was a great opportunity to connect, partner and collaborate face to face. Over the course of three days there were over 71 presentations and panel discussions where topics ranged from AI Tech to Female Entrepreneurship to Challenges of a growing business. On the final day we held a pitch competition and the G20YEA Leaders signed the communique.

G20 YEA Brazil Summit 2024 

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